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The Design Solution Forum is a technical forum that started in 2014 as a place for engineers to discuss software and hardware design methods for embedded systems. The forum, which is planned and operated by engineers, holds seminars and events every year for the purpose of exchanging information between engineers based on the basic concept of “Let’s create, expand, and network of designers”. In 2019, the event attracted over 700 visitors.

This edition of the Design Solution Forum will take place both virtually and physically on February 12, 2021.

Secure-IC team will be exhibiting along with its partner Innotech on booth #17. You can request now a meeting with our team by sending us an email at corporate-marketing[AT]

Secure-IC and its partner NSITEXE will also give a talk at 16.40 (JST time zone) on Security solution in the IoAtoZ. NSITEXE is an IP vendor that develops advanced processors and develops RISC-V-based processors that support functional safety. Secure-IC offers top-class protection technology as a cybersecurity leadership. Cyber Escort Unit detects 0-day attacks in real time, and Securyzr is an HSM that integrates key management and encryption. In this lecture, we will introduce the latest Safety & Security solutions that support the IoAtoZ through collaboration between the two companies.


For more details on the event and program
